PCFD13 participates in the 12th Annual Browns Point Parade! , July 4, 2018
Each year the Browns Point community gathers at the Metro Park known to locals as "curly slide park" and each year Pierce County Fire District 13 is invited to participate in the event. Community members meet at the park at 10am and circle the neighborhood to show their pride on the Fourth of July.
PCFD13 Medical Aid unit follows shortly behind the first banner and the tail of the parade is followed up by the Fire Engine. This year was the largest turn-out for the annual event!
Children are welcomed sit in the fire engine seat. The fire department staff and volunteers got help from the youth to win the first round of tug-o-war against the community dads, but they lost in the second round.
The highlight of the event is when the youth get to practice aiming a small fire hose on the basketball court. Most kids find it fun to cool down under the spray of the hose.
Thank you, Browns Point for inviting PCFD13 to participate in this community event. And a special thank you to the families of the volunteer firefighters who came out to spend time with your families on this occasion.